Re: Selfishness vs Altruism; an outdated dicotomy?

Date: Sat Nov 20 1999 - 23:35:49 MST

In a message dated 11/20/1999 12:49:57 PM EST, writes:

<< I like what you say here. But I think you're glossing over how
 your well being is with the well being of others. >>

Thanks for the feedback, Cynthia. I think you are right, that my well being
is quite intertwined with the well being of others. However, I wanted to
emphasize that all other things being equal (an example where they are not is
when one person is trying to hurt another), everyone's well being is equally
important, including my own. I'm just usually better able to promote my own
well being as opposed to most other people in the Universe (not that I don't
try to help out others). But it is equally true that it is difficult, and
perhaps not even useful, to completely separate out what is good for me and
what is good for another. As a person, I almost never do anything for just
one reason, but I do not believe this in any way lessens or corrupts a good
deed. I try to help to make the world better for others AND myself. I try
not to act out of purely selfish or purely selfless motivations, as either
view can lead to an unbalanced viewpoint which often causes someone to
suffer. Thanks again for the comment.

Glen Finney

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