Re: The distinguished J.R. Molloy: Pointing & Coding

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Sat Nov 20 1999 - 22:41:51 MST

J R Molloy wrote:

> Robert Owen wrote,
> >Yes, well, if we don't use symbols to point, we'll have to
> >use our fingers, which would be rude.
> "Don't bite my finger. Look where I'm pointing."
> --Mulla Nasruddin

Well, this has to be today's winning non sequitur; much more
to the point is:

A certain man asked the famous Mulla Nasrudin, "What is the
meaning of fate, Mulla?" Mulla replied, "Assumptions." "In what
way?" the man asked again.

"Mulla looked at him and said, "You assume things are going to
go well, and they don't - that you call bad luck. You assume
things are going to go badly and they don't - that you call good
luck. You assume that certain things are going to happen or not
happen - and you so lack intuition that you don't know what is
going to happen. You assume that the future is unknown. When
you are caught out - you call that Fate."

> --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
> "May you live in eternity's sunrise,
> on the seashore of endless worlds."
> --Willie and Rabindranath

Now I can't let you get away with this, my friend. As a matter
of fact, Rabindranath Tagore's "Sadhaka of Universal Man, Baul
of Infinite Songs" is one of my favorites but -- WILLIE? One
can take a joke, but in this case you've exceeded good taste!

> ,o888b,`?8888888888P',d888o,
> ,8888 888 ?888888P 888 8888,
> 8888888P' 888888 `?8888888
> 888P' 888888 `?888 yin yang
> `88 O d888888b O 88'
> `?._ _.o8888888888o._ _.P'

Not only is your T'ai-chi much improved, but the above graphic
is superb. I choose to applaud your talent as an artist, and
forget your clumsiness as a prevaricator.


Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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