Re: Ban on Human Cloning

Date: Sat Nov 20 1999 - 12:27:08 MST

In a message dated 11/17/1999 8:06:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> How hard is it to clone a human? I heard, from a biology major, that it's
> *relatively* easy, that she could do it herself with a few thousand dollars
> worth of equipment. Does anyone know if this is correct?
I suspect when this person mean't clonning, she mean't it in a "Dolly" sense
of the word. This would mean a real live-breathing host -mother of course.
What is more meaningful to us as a species, is the 'clonning' of organs
in-vitro; so thay can be trans-planted into people.

I once heard a British bio-ethicist and scientist say that as long as organs
did not appear to take on 'full' human form, such as a full human head, etc.
Most people would find this acceptable. How far away is this technology? I
will err on the side of caution, and say its more likely to be a successful
technology of the 22nd century; rather then the 21st.

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