*ThiGMOO* & Marxist extropian revolution

From: Damien Broderick (d.broderick@english.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Fri Nov 19 1999 - 22:03:29 MST

>>> Maybe there should be various factions (like the extropians)
>>> under the transhumanist banner (maybe we need "social posthumans"

I've just read, with an increasing smile on my face, *ThiGMOO,* by Eugene
Byrne (London: Earthlight, 1999).

A global `Marxist extropian' revolution is fomented by several hundred
`erams' - `Electronic Replication of a Mind-set', also Latin for `I was'.
Built in a British university Museum of Mind, but evicted from there, the
sims take over a secret corporate mega-computer in Islamic revolutionary
desert nation Dilmun, renaming their nano-AI LENIN (Limitless Engine of
Nanotechnological INtelligence'. The revolution calls itself Thigmoo, from
`the habit of speakers at trade union and Labour Party meetings to refer to
unions and the party collectively as "This Great Movement of Ours"....
eventually abbreviated by journalists to "Thigmoo".'

Told (unreliably) by eram Myles Burnham, gentleman pornographer. Principals
include insistently reactionary Sir John Westgate, head of the History
Dept, Univ. of Wessex, Dr Katharine Beckford, Curator of the Museum, eram
revolutionary Harry Dillon, last human Trotskyite socialist Derek Pilbeam
and his monstrously fat and gluttonous Russian bride Tatiana, various erams
of diverse eras, and Xena-like game figure Ninja Princess Yolanda. Etc.

The opening is misleadingly coarse, broad Benny Hill humour. Things slowly
improve. In fact, the technology at the start - cheap humanoid sexbots
roaming the streets (too advanced), Myles losing control of his speech
processor (insufficiently advanced) - are inconsistent with what develops,
quite amusingly. Well, extropians might not be amused.

Damien Broderick

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