using VR to sumblimate the desires of would-be tyrants...

From: john grigg (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 20:04:42 MST

Hello everyone,

Gary Helms wrote:
>In the scenario proposed [i.e. a nanotech society
>advanced enough to be capable of providing
>reality-level VR and an end to scarcity] an individual
>motivated strongly by the desire for power over others
>or "the material world" who could not sublimate that
>desire in a VR simulation would be extremely dangerous
>to all other members of that society. They will have
>vast powers to deal with that threat, and probably

I find it hard to believe that a very intelligent, unethical and
power-hungry individual would be contented by playing "Civilization XXV, the
VR edition!" Of course that individual could be very dangerous and that is
why there would need to be checks and balances in society to keep people
like him or her from hurting others.

You mentioned vast powers that would deal with this threat and the problem
is that a very intelligent, driven and unethical individual might easily be
drawn to join the organizations that are to protect society. As they rise in
status people like this look to bend or break the rules with others like
themselves. With the technologies that will come available with A.I. and
nanotech it will be more important then ever before to stop individuals like

Of course, with checks and balances and internal policing agencies the hope
is that a would-be tyrant could be stopped before they got to a position of
great power. The incredible technologies we discuss on this list such as
A.I. and nanotech will make the pursuit of human rights even more

best regards,

John Grigg

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