Re: No Singularity?

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 13:48:14 MST

Hal Finney wrote,

> You can get to Geniebusters via Crit directly via
> I agree that this is a useful way to access the site,
> although I suspect that the author is unaware of these
> and hence not in a position to respond.

To which Damien Broderick replied,

> On the contrary - Lyle has already posted meta-commentary there.

In the summer of 1998, when I started putting my nanotech notes
together into a web site, I discussed the project with Chris
Peterson. She said it would be a perfect occasion to use
CritSuite. (That was before she knew what I was going to say.) I
agreed. I *wanted* people to use CritSuite. If you look on the
Table of Contents page of Geniebusters, you will find links to
CritSuite. However, when I saw the level of the discussion, I
quickly lost interest. I haven't looked at the CritSuite comments
for several months. Maybe some of the newer comments are better.
I doubt it.

In one of the letters that he sends to Senior Associates, Eric
Drexler mentioned that Will Ware and J Storrs Hall had used
CritSuite to comment on Geniebusters -- as if they had said all
that needed to be said. As far as I know, that has been Eric's
only response to Geniebusters. (I can't quote him exactly, since I
don't have the letter handy -- it's in a store room.)

Incidentally, Extropians might find something else of interest on
the Table of Contents page. Look at the bottom of the page.


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