Re: Leonid storm!

From: Rik van Riel (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 05:01:07 MST

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Amara Graps wrote:

> It looks like we got the Leonid meteor storm. 2500 meteors per
> hour!! The predictions seemed to be right on.
> I hope that some of you looked up, and saw them.

I haven't seen a thing (due to the weather), but I have
experienced a severe heisenbug day yesterday...

It looks like all events that disturb the earth's
magnetosphere have a very bad influence on computers,
especially those that don't have very good grounding.

I've had about 15 bezerko mouse / kbd events yesterday
and segfaults for processes that usually run stable for
weeks. Elsewhere in the world other people have seen
strange events concerning computers too -- a sparc
classic crashing _twice_ in a day, multiple errors in
computers that otherwise run without an error for
weeks on end, etc...



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