Leonids control center monitors meteor activity

From: John Thomas (jwthom@earthlink.net)
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 13:46:55 MST

More for Leonids freaks:

>Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 12:18:45 -0600
>From: NASA Science News <expressnews@sslab.msfc.nasa.gov>
>Reply-To: expressreply@sslab.msfc.nasa.gov
>To: express-delivery@sslab.msfc.nasa.gov
>Subject: Leonids control center monitors meteor activity
>NASA Space Science News for November 16, 1999
>Leonids Environment Operations Center monitors meteor activity -- A
>global team of observers coordinated by the US Air Force and the
>University of Western Ontario will provide meteor counts for satellite
>operators. Data summaries will be posted at http://www.LeonidsLive.com
>for members of the public. FULL STORY at:
><a href="http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/ast16nov99_1.htm">Leonids
>control center monitors activity</a>
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>Linda Porter
>Code SD23
>Science Systems Department
>NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
>Huntsville AL 35812
>(256)544-7128 (fax)

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