RE: stinking subs

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 11:27:44 MST

> > Without air conditioning, the structure becomes dangerously warm and
> > people inside it for extended periods risk heat exhuastion.
>Of course the electronics have real A/C (overheating computers don't work
>very well, after all), and naturally the rest of the ship has to have a
>enough forced circulation/heat management system to keep the crew alive and

Hi, Billy; how ya'll Textropians doin'?
Sorry, I have been out of touch for so long, but I have been taking some
serious Computer Science courses this semester, and often it's all I can do
to remember to do all the necessary things, etc., and so I often forget to
do all the other things, such as update my new email addresses. I decided to
use the new free Net accesses (Altavista, netZero), and so my new email addy

Now, as you may remember, I spent some time in the Navy aboard a nuke sub,
and yes, I can assure you, they DO stink! They do have air "conditioning",
such as it is, but it does not for the most part regulate temperature,
except in certain electronics spaces. Instead, it "scrubs" the air, removing
CO2, CO, etc, and replenishing the O2.

The air in a sub underway, and even in port, with the hatch open, is a most
foul, repellent and tenacious stench, an unsavory combination of the myriad
petroleum derivatives used for lubrication products, and years worth of the
odor of the various bodily secretions from the unwashed sailors encased
within, which build up an odious film upon the interior wall of the sub.

I'll never forget it...

> My point was simply that *comfort* is not a priority (except
>maybe in the flag bridge...). The goal is to keep the temperature between
>(roughly) 55F and 90F, not to maintain a 70F office-building environment.

Yep, but more like 45 to 110. In one location, you may nearly freeze, and in
another, sweat profusely.

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