RE: No Singularity?

From: Billy Brown (
Date: Mon Nov 15 1999 - 09:43:03 MST

Geoff Smith wrote:
> Have any singularitans drafted a critique of the following site?
> It's a well written essay, I have some problems with some of his
> points(especially with regards to AI vs. human intelligence), but in
> general it's a very well-reasoned argument.

It's mostly an argument against the nano-Santa Claus viewpoint, which few of
us support in the first place. Those of us who expect the nanotech
revolution to look more like the computer revolution (i.e. fast exponential
improvements, but not an instant achievement of Nirvana) find nothing at all
persuasive there.

There was some argument about this on the list about a year ago, which you
may be able to find in the archives. I'd also suggest viewing the
geniebusters site through, since several people have
posted commentary on it using CritLink.

Billy Brown, MCSE+I

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