Re: "Evil Transhumanism"

Date: Fri Nov 12 1999 - 16:04:23 MST

In a message dated 11/12/1999 1:33:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< I have for a long
 time been thinking of setting up a web page with links to anti-TH
 texts together with refutations and explanations. Perhaps we should
 even write a "Frequent Misunderstandings" text like an FAQ >>

    I for one think that would be an excellent idea. I would love to avoid
the frustration of the narrow minded and just give them a link rather than
feel like I have to explain things to someone as if they were an eight year
old. Amazing how people are so programed to immediately resort cliches
superstition and talk-show philosophy, I guess it's easier for some people
than thinking.


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