Re: "Evil Transhumanism"

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Nov 11 1999 - 17:35:00 MST

Now, now, now, lets not get *too* excited by the rantings
of a sophmore in college. I've backtracked the page and
sent a message to the individual/group, I believe to be
the author(s). I have pointed out that what they imply
(in terms of costs of transhumanist technologies) is unlikely
to be true -- *if* governments support the development of
such technologies for their populations. If their predictions
or concerns prevent that, then they may come true, not that
it will make any difference.

Whenever you deal with claims like this, you should simply
ask the question:
  "Why should any "genetic enhancement" technology be any
  more expensive than a vaccine? [Or even worse "catching"
  a cold?!?]

Since vaccines are moderately inexpensive (and colds even
cheaper), you have a very difficult position to justify
if you claim everyone cannot have them.

Unless exclusive patent positions protect all the avenues
of a specific enhancement it is unlikely to be "expensive".
Even if those patents exist, it becomes public domain in
a couple of decades (which in terms of lifespans of millennia
is nothing).

When someone spouts unsubstantiated rhetoric, treat it as
such. Do your research and respond accordingly. There is
no need to kill them now, when we can torture them for 20
years until the patent laws expire and we can administer
the generic transhumanist treatments... :-)


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