RE: Fidelity (WAS: RE: CFCs and ethics)

From: Billy Brown (
Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 10:19:15 MST

Spike Jones wrote:
> Billy Brown wrote:
> > I tend to favor smaller group marriages involving 3-5 partners, with
> > balance varying depending on the orientations of the individuals
> > involved...
> Oh? And what does Mrs. Brown think of *that* notion, Billy? {8^D

Well, she doesn't seem too keen on a MFF arrangement, but MMF or MMFF would
be fine with her. Of course, putting two heterosexual males in the same
household is asking for trouble (maybe she thinks I'm being unreasonable on
that point? :-) ).

This is actually a good example of why I added the "gender balance varying"
part of the above quote. You don't want an arrangement that puts people who
aren't interested in each other in bed at the same time, and you don't want
anyone sleeping alone either. For that reason I think that larger groups
will tend not to work unless the people involved are bi- or homosexual.

Billy Brown, MCSE+I

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