Re: atheism

Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 01:10:12 MST

In a message dated 11/08/1999 9:31:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> And also as a load of pompous pseudo-intellectual old codswallop.

No Freak'in doubt! The Pompous part I disagree with simply because I
remember seeing Ayn Rand on an old Donahue show and was put off by her
pompousness--a human affliction that cuts both ways.
> A friend cites the New Testament:
> ======
> And Jesus asked them, "Who is it that men say that I am?"
> And the disciples answered, "You are the kerygma of our metaphysical
> grounding."
> And Jesus said unto them, "Say *what*?"
> ================
> Damien Broderick
Yeah, if ya can't dazzle em' with brains; baffle em with bullshit. Yet I
persist in a Tiplerian fashion to hope against hope. For me it doesn't take
much energy to do this, but for others I can see Religion getting in the way
of a sane life. Or whats an Ontological Epistemology for? Perhaps a
didactic, dialectical, noeticism? To which the Dalai Lama said: "What Choo
talking bout' Willis?"

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