Re: A Mormon take on things...

Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 09:38:40 MST

In a message dated 11/08/1999 3:23:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Mormons Quasi-Christian!? I spent two years in the Bible belt being called
> things like that. And now on the extropian list! I guess where there are
> two religious believers and the beliefs are somewhat different there is
> bound to be trouble. :) And it is the the Church of Jesus Christ of
> Latter-day Saints or the Mormons, not the "Church of Mormons." lol
Sorry Starman; I personally hold that Mormons are Christian, but the Joseph
Smith's revelation puts it in a grey area(for some). Lets call it
"Christ-Centered" and be done with it. Both the Mormons and Southern Baptists
love to missionize and it is gernerally why there is antagonism between them,
asside from the doctrines of Joseph Smith.

For many on this list, they seem to have been scalded by their encounters
with Fundamentalism and abdure (5.00 word) anything remotely religious, as a

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