greetings and a brief note

Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 09:29:31 MST

I am posting this express my thoughts regarding a potential
misunderstanding on my intentions within transhumanism:

At the core of my ethical schema lies one core principle--I do
not place myself above anyone else and I do not place myself
below anyone else. My perspective has always been that we are
co-collaborators in developing a relatively new area of thought.
To the extent that Max, Natasha, and others have developed it,
yes, they deserve respect for that. They have mine, and always
will, regardless of personal issues.

I cannot understand how any of my contributions, past or
current, diminishes that. Any contribution made by any one transhumanist moves all of us forward as a whole. To the extent
that anyone has interpreted my involvement as trying to assert
or usurp a place in a heirarchy--that is an interpretation made
through a filter that I do not happen to subscribe to. And
I have been negligent in getting up the website to list off my credentials, because I hadn't understood that people attached
some importance to that.

Yes, I am passionate, tough-minded, questioning--please
match your own strengths to those qualities and use them! We hold
the beginnings of a distributed intelligence network, one that
is currently expanding and developing new nodes. Perhaps in time, historians will come to look upon that as our most important

Kathryn Aegis

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