RE: a question for you extra pins...

From: John Holmes (
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 01:09:39 MST

For illustrative purposes, I'm writing this e-mail using my voice as well.
I'm using Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 4.0. I've gone through the
general training session and one additional trading session and have used it
for additional day or so. Overall, I'm extremely impressed with its
performance. One thing I've noticed, however, is that it does a great deal
better job at recognizing what you say if you speak all of the punctuation.
Another important details at the software use a great deal of memory --
about 90 megs for this process alone. One of the nicest features, is
achieving use the program to navigate your entire computer. I can surf the
Web with it, write e-mails, switch from program to program, even use a
special mouse navigating agent called MouseGrid in order to click the mouse
anywhere on the screen.

I have however noticed exactly the same thing as you; i.e., that my
vocabulary decreases the great deal using the dictation software.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Spike Jones
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 1999 6:19 PM
Subject: a question for you extra pins...

This is another test of the voice recognition software. This message is

without a keyboard. I think I worked down the. Problem. Rather I think I
worked of the problem with the word that means the dot at the end of a
theory had. Or perhaps not.

This exercise has been most insightful. With my own modest typing skills,
I have always assumed that my brain was waiting for my fingers. However
even with my modest skills of about 80 words per minute it appears that
might fingers were still waiting for my brain theory and.

If you see theory had horror. And that means the top at the end of the
sentence. Please forgive.

I have come to realize that the typed word uses a richer vocabulary that
the spoken word here yet. Also the sentences are less likely to end with
absurd Miss Such as here yet.

By a was considering switching to the big war act of war act of
war Iraq d d d d bar a c keyboard but now by a realized that the
cube w e r d white keyboard may actually make for better writing
by a causing the typist the slowdown Darien Korean.

The odd arrangement of keys on the tube w e r t white keyboard
may have contributed to the richness of the body of English
literature carry it.

What do you extra pins think? Spike

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