Re: The Unfathomable Virtuous Tangerine

Date: Sun Nov 07 1999 - 20:57:51 MST

In a message dated 11/07/1999 4:28:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I certainly apologize if you experienced my post as a demeaning and
> disrespectful reference to your belief-system,
> Bob
Oh Hell no, I am merely arguing against the mentality the Mr. Burch finds so
disheartening. I also persist in being a pain in the gluteus because it
seems that people who object to religion do so exclusively, from a
Christian perspective. Yes sheol was a burning trash heap of ancient times,
but it may have been the location of early Caannite and Hebrew sacrifices-bad
vibrations. The Hell of the Christian is purportedly eternal, which tells
one about their view of <God>, and the necessity to conform to their edicts
(historically speaking) so where am I on this? The purpose of nuking people
eternally in some permanent convention oven is a bout as sensible as biting
on a ball of aluminum foil. I hope that Extropianism or TransHumanism
doesn't devolve to being mono-cultural

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