Radioactive Decay & Cryonic preservation

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 03:10:00 MST

I am retracting my previous retraction of my statement that 40K
is a greater problem than 14C (circa 21 Oct 1999). I've updated my
calculations to reflect a 14C abundance of 1 in 10^-12 C atoms from a
recent paper by Robert Freitas on the subject. For details see:

This isn't the final word on the problem. Robert Fs' draft paper
on the subject suggests that we are good for 500-1000 years on ice
but still needs some work, as does, I suspect, my brief commentary.

The bottom line for now is that 40K and 14C are both of concern
but are probably not of "significant" concern (given the progress
in biotech/nanotech that we can reasonably expect).


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