Re: The Unfathomable

From: M. E. Smith (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 08:05:57 MST

--- "Steve C. Dotson" <> wrote:
> Apparently you are oblivious to what religion has
> been telling people for millenia: you are a sinner,
> you are nothing compared to the glory of the Lord
> and etc.

But then later in the same post Steve wrote:

> For example, last
> week you insinuated that extropians are
> anti-religious because they are ignorant of other
> traditions and belief systems. A few posts,
> including mine, demonstrated that this is incorrect.

The first sentence reveals an ignorance about religion
which you later deny. Not all religions teach that
"you are a sinner."

I guess the angry atheist faction on this list will
never change. Bad news for Extropy.

** *** ***** ******* ***********
M. E. Smith
** *** ***** ******* ***********

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