Re: The Unfathomable

From: M. E. Smith (
Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 11:33:06 MST

--- John Clark <> wrote:
> M. E. Smith <> Wrote:
> > At the heart of existence is a mystery.
> That is absolutely true, but how does the God meme
> help?

I don't know. But some people's conceptions of "God"
(I'm tired of saying meme so much) seem to refer to
this "mystery at the back of everything", rather than
the vengeful Jehovah. I don't find this version of the
"God" meme particularly harmful, that is,
IN-AND-OF-ITSELF. (Obviously, this version of the meme
COULD be attached to a lot of other harmful ideas in a
particular belief system.)

Before I jumped in, a few people were trying to point
out that not all religions are like "fundamental
Christianity" while others were painting ALL religions
as being totally (equally?) bad and harmful. I'm with
the former set of people, trying to help the latter
see that there are differences.

** *** ***** ******* ***********
M. E. Smith
** *** ***** ******* ***********

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