Re: SETI sci.astro.seti newsgroup created

Date: Wed Nov 03 1999 - 11:35:13 MST

    One thing I always find baffleing are the miracles of Fatima and
Garibondal (Not sure of spelling on that one) or some of the well documented
miracles, some of them I have been able to explain to my personal
satisfactory but Fatima I can see being a UFO hoax. It was a cloudy day
raining and then when the clouds disappear the "sun" danced and pulsated. We
know that that would be impossible because if the sun did anything like that
there is no way we would be here today. An SI craft could easily pull this
off but to jump to that conclusion would not be kosher. In Garibondal Spain
the girls who saw the Arch angel Micheal had a sketch made and he looked a
lot like a "Gray" with a silly wig on. I find it amusing to entertain these
ideas and I love to run them through my head but to take them too seriously
or offer them as serious theories would be feckless.

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