Re: TV Dangers [was Re: metaTHAAD was: Son of Star Wars]

Date: Mon Nov 01 1999 - 18:31:02 MST

In a message dated 11/1/99 2:43:26 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Asbestos: Very bad (over time) if exposed

The keyword is IF.....the millions of dollars spent on asbestos abatement
caused more danger than if the whole "problem" had been ignored.

> Ozone: Direct effects observed in animals and perhaps humans

I disagree. I contend that the so called effects are the result of something pinkeye causing the sheep to go blind which was eroneously
attributed to UV in AlGore's Comic Opera "Earth in the Balance" point
of fact the UV level at ground level has NOT been observed as being any
higher than ever before...lower if anything.

> Global Warming: Ask someone living in North Carolina...

Actually I kinda like the idea of global warming. (ask someone in the Point
Barrow Alaska). Look at a map....notice how MUCH land there is that is not
available due to weather extremes. Have you ever been to northern montana in
the winter? And I was in North Carolina....shortly after Hurricane Mitch.
What they had was a is only conjecture that it was caused by
global warming......which is also a conjecture since hard data does not
indicate it's presence....

And another thing....IF (and i say if) there is global it
perhaps finally returning to the temps that are actually normal....prior to
the Alvarez dino-killer (tounge firmly in cheek).....
> Nuclear Winter: There are still lots of weapons out there.

The scientists who first concocted this idea have recanted. The confessed
that it was all a ruse to cut back on nukes. Of course their cause was the prostitution of their chosen profession was ok. (hallelujah)

> Population Explosion: Recently cut back from previous predictions by the
> UN
> Homeless: Not a significant impact on the average person.

ontario calif

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