
Date: Mon Nov 01 1999 - 11:44:03 MST

I don't know if any of you have ever read the Vertigo comic
Transmetropolitan (and if you haven't, do so. It combines transhuman
ideas/technology with human level stories about corruption and politics.
Its protagonist is a futuristic Hunter S. Thompson), but the breatharian
idea appears there. I thought it was a riff on religion, since its first
appearance was in a rant-on-religion story, but to find out that not only
is it real, but that people try to follow it tells me how far humanity has
to go. It sounds stupid in a comic book, I can't imagine what kind of mind
would accept it in real life. If any of us are going to make it to
trans/post humanity, some of us are going to have to be left behind. Cruel
sounding, but that's life.

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