sleep and extropian dreams

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Oct 31 1999 - 16:31:19 MST

Bryan Moss wrote:
>Maybe for the first half, then of course they find their all
>American hero and it turns into the A-team. The film would
>have been so much better if that first guy was Private Ryan.

I see your point. The early part of that film is more convincing
than the second: the brutal conditions under which the allies
invaded at Normandy, right in the face of the Nazi guns, DAMN!
That would make a pacifist of the most staunch hawk.

It did strain credibility: in real life, a mutinies are rarer than
hens teeth, yet captain Tom Hanks had 4 of them directly
under him. One was a *private* telling a *captain* no, I
wont go. That wouldnt happen anywhere but Hollywood,
yet the message of the film is moving and in a way extropian,
for we are standing on a threshold of a dream: We can
*finally* do away with this madness of men on a field
shooting lead at each other.

This brutal and devastating style of fighting is finally coming
to an end, as was shown in Desert Storm. The foot soldier
is obsolete. War can be taken directly to the front door of the
alphas who ordered up the war to start with, leaving
the rest of us alive and uninjured.

Is this not an extropian dream? spike

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