Re: Sleep

Date: Sat Oct 30 1999 - 16:50:27 MDT

In a message dated 10/30/1999 1:54:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 But the previous days' events have had the opportunity to be "processed"
 by sleep, to be "integrated" or "incorporated" while today's events
 have not. By this theory, there ought to be some power which yesterday's
 events have which today's do not, or some fundamental difference in my
 access to those events from my access to today's. But I don't perceive
 any such difference. Whether I learned something yesterday, or I learned
 it today, I seem to have (roughly) equal access to the learning. >>

Maybe it takes more than one session to process. They say let a letter
written in passion sit for ten days, then re-read it before sending.

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