Re: morality

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Fri Oct 29 1999 - 20:00:05 MDT

Rob wrote,
>Yes JR, I agree with you. My questions were not rhetorical, they were
>directed at Reptar (or whatever) who didn't seem to share my understanding
>of the point of morality - I was asking for his.
>The point I raised in my original post was not that morality should be
>ditched and we should all conduct our lives conscience-free, but that the
>"rulebook" method of morality propagation is counter-productive, a
>I feel could be remedied at a price of more thought on the part of the

Please excuse my butting in, Rob. The urge to cite Wilson overcame me. In
contrast to rulebook morality, other theories attempt to explain the moral
imperative with smoke and mirrors. For instance, situationist ethics derives
mostly from romanticism, I guess, and trusts in love. I find Wilson's theory
most compelling as it makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Anyway,
when people do what feels right and true, they usually succeed morally --
without even thinking about it.


--J. R.

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