Re: TO Sherry Re: American Psychiatric Association

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Fri Oct 29 1999 - 17:48:47 MDT wrote:

> Thanks for checking on this for me. I was told NOTHING about any out of
> pocket costs, only given medical and background type info, including that the
> treatment is experimental. Other than cost, my only concern is side effects.
> I will accept only very low risk treatments.
> Sherry

The medical opinion I solicited considers the risk vanishingly small. The slightly
controversial aspect concerns the BENEFITS. If insurable, it would certainly
be reasonable to obtain this treatment on merely heuristic grounds; but as
this is not the case, in my opinion your options are: [1] talk therapy; [2] a
new pharmacological regimen, perhaps combined with [1]; [3] transcranial
magnetic therapy; [4] ECT, perhaps limited to a unilateral application which
causes virtually no transient disorientation and which now is associated with
NO seizure activity; [5] a meditational approach, e.g. joining a local ZEN
community. Some extropian List members may have additional suggestions
and as extropians reject [5] as a desirable option.

Please know that the worst case scenario for unilateral ECT is being con-
vinced that the recovery room is full of onions (the smell of onions is a
universal response), feeling sleepy, and perhaps crying for a little while.
Except for somnolence, the mechanisms for these reactions is, as they
euphemistically say, "poorly understood", i.e. they haven't the foggiest

Good luck,


Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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