Re: curing sleep

From: Rafael Anschau (
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 17:44:54 MDT

        I was reasearching about it a few days ago, and I came across a very
interesting place. The site's owner is working on a paper called :

Methods and Processes Necessary for the Elimination of the Necessity to
Sleep in the Human


Though still in it's infancy, it contains some nice tips for people who
want to reduce their necessity of sleep right away.

Rafael Anschau
ICQ 5028279 -
PGP fingerprint:
A48C 7E08 0CE2 C126 224C 50C1 BBB5 0B1D 0666 A01B

At 03:12 PM 10/28/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on a possible "cure" for sleep - a
>drug or procedure which will eliminate the need to lay still with your eyes
>closed for 8 unproductive hours a day.
>As far as I know, scientists know very little about sleep. We know that REM
>sleep is required for mental well being. We know that the body is fine
>without sleep but the brain is not, so it's the brain that the attack should
>be centered on. The goal would be to understand exactly how sleep effects
>the brain, physically, and to replicate these physical changes with a
>device, or pill, that works in less then 8 hours.
>Zeb Haradon
>My personal web page:
>Some "pyramid schemes" I take part in:
Rafael Anschau
ICQ 5028279 -
PGP fingerprint:
A48C 7E08 0CE2 C126 224C 50C1 BBB5 0B1D 0666 A01B

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