Re: Definitions of Probability (was: Re: Clint & Robert on "Faith in Science")

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 06:18:25 MDT


I found that my nice article describing a different view on
probability sidetracked into a discussion of Web availability of
scientific papers.

Sorry I can't do much about how scientists typically show their papers
on the Web. You are welcome to go to your local library to look up any
of the papers.

And why is it that in a Web world of search engines, those of you with
good Internet connections (not me) cannot simply type in "Bayesian"
and find resources and changed Web links for yourselves? Dozens of
Web sites have Bayesian papers. I believe that I gave good pointers. I
rarely do Web and Internet stuff these days because I'm traveling 1/2
of the month, I have no time, and Deutsche Telekom is too damn
expensive. (so one of my URLs from 6 months ago changed its Web site,
sorry, but I couldn't help that)

Here are some Web sites that I found from my bookmark list.

Help yourself, enjoy, and all of that.

Probability Theory as Extended Logic (The best Bayesian site)

Probability Theory: The Logic of Science (E.T. Jaynes' book)
 (yes, individual chapters in postscript)

and here too:
The Logic of Science (yes, individual chapters in postscript)
by E.T. Jaynes

Tom Loredo's papers

A Short Exposition on Bayesian Inference and Probability

Bayes Theorem Calculator

Maximum Entropy Online Resources (MaxEnt conferences) Bayesian books

[And I'm not even subscribed to this email list.]


P.S. I believe that the frequentist results fall naturally out of
specific cases of Bayesian Probability Theory, but those papers are at
home to describe it, and I'm off on another travel trip. Please see
Tom Loredo's works. I think that the result may be in there.

Amara Graps               | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
Interplanetary Dust Group | Saupfercheckweg 1   
+49-6221-516-543          | 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY *  
      "Never fight an inanimate object." - P. J. O'Rourke

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