Re: Steve Weinberg on whether we inhabit a designer universe

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Oct 27 1999 - 02:16:41 MDT

Damien has provided and yet significantly undersold the
commentary by Steven Weinberg on the structure of the
universe and the relationship between Science & Religion.


This commentary, by a Nobel prize winner, should be required
reading in (perhaps) Junior High School, by everyone. It seems
it would be much more relevant to read a commentary about
the nature of the universe and Sci-Rel perspectives than life
in the Midwest ~150 years ago (Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn).

[Not that I'm dumping on Mark Twain mind you, but the question
of "relevancy" is worth consideration.]

As a personal commentary, I was in school when Glashow & Weinberg
were working out the electroweak theories that they (&Salam) won
the Nobel price for in '79. While I don't recall Weinberg teaching
any of my classes, I'm fairly sure that Glashow taught several.
These men (IMO) are "gods". They take the universe apart and
explain it to those who would otherwise be incapable of understanding
it. When the speak we should listen.


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