Re: Religion

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Oct 25 1999 - 08:26:37 MDT

From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>

>Rob, I would generally agree that for most people religion is
>handed to them on a silver platter or sold to them (as in a used

>However, there are people who see reality very clearly, and
>can?still choose to be religious because of the reasons I've been
>discussing in the astrophysics thread with Amara -- the Universe
>seems too "rigged". If people want to have "faith" that something
>caused the big bang or that multiverses exist and they choose to
>express or practice that faith in a particular religious form,
>then I don't think you can say that they are "universally weak

>I would suggest where you want to draw the lines is when you go
>from using religion (as in faith) to explain the unknowns at the
>"edges" of reality to an organized system that evolves power
>structures, gatekeepers, wealth concentrations, systems for
>controlling "unacceptable" behaviors and organized genocide.

I've alway been intrigued at how the universe just happens to fit
together like a set of lego's. I long ago adopted the Jubal Harshaw
(Stranger in a strange Land by Robert Heinlein) tradition of being
agnostic on even numbered days and atheist on odd numbered days....

>Religion is not inherently faulty, it is mostly misguided.

Religion falls down when it pursues power and control, which
unfortunately is on a daily basis.


Member, Extropy Institute,
Life Extension Foundation,
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