Re: religion again

Date: Mon Oct 25 1999 - 05:12:00 MDT

In a message dated 10/25/1999 5:42:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> >Huh? Not that I like to defend religions, but science is a much, much
> >younger human activity than religion. And from time to time religion
> >has been one of the strongest supporters of science and technology
> >(remember the spread of engineering through the medieval monasteries).
> How is the age of a particular activity relevant to the point? Also, Hitler
> made some great policies "from time to time". Pure evil doesn't exist
> outside of the world of "Penelope Pitstop and The Hooded Claw"....

It might be argued in the case of the dictators, that all policies, even
clever ones have been necessitated toward facilitation of mass murder-which I
submit was the prime-mover for Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao. That maybe pure
evil does exist beyond what Hanna Barbera deams; and that this evil is
focused and self-sustaining.

One method of doing this is to avoid responsibility, and suprising to many,
is to invent a devil to hold all evils-thus removing oneself of
responsibility. Like the late commedian, Flip Wilson's, Ernestine; "the devil
made me do it",

Scientists have participated in this evil, and cannot escape responsibility;
anymore then Military people, or politicians. Fortunately, science has been
pro-active with bio-ethics committees and the like. So maybe technology has
the ability to be self-correcting?

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