Re: Religion bashing

Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 19:17:23 MDT

In a message dated 10/22/1999 9:34:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> The first thing religions started doing after they were invented is
> to start bashing science, a process that continues to the present
> day. And Scientists have never threatened elderly theologians with
> torture, nor burned them literally at the stake. Religious leaders
> have done both...
Religion pre-dates science by tens of thousand of years. A limited number of
scientists were involved in the torture-murders at the Nazi camps, There were
tens of thousands of slave laborers who perished ar Peenemunde. Also
thousands have worked, over the decades, in the biowarfare and nuclear
weaponry, which is currently aimed at civilians.

The point is that science is far from total responsibility, and holding
scientists to being such great moral authorities is as crazy as holding
religious leaders to such great esteem.

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