Actos of Los Apostolos

From: John Sundman (
Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 17:13:37 MDT

Hey Extropians,

{Profound appologies to anybody who's gotten this twice.}

I bet at least some of you will enjoy the kule nanotech novel about Gulf War
Syndrome, Acts of the Apostles, at

It's about a very fine group of Silicon Valley brilliant people not unlike
yerselfs, with a new extropian kind of religion (hence the title). Alas,
things go wrong. Like George Harrison said on the Dick Cavett show, "we
thought we were doing something guuud, but we were doing something baaaaad."

It's got conspiracy, biometrics, technoparanoia, cybermilitias, sex, spoofs
of Silicon Valley self-importance, nanomachines, neurobiology, sandstorms in
the Sahel during the great drought, an engineer's eye view of the computer
industry with many cameos, Fasnacht in Basel, Catholic theology, Calvinist
theology, and a dissertation on the right way to work- out with free
weights. It's kind of like Michael Crichton or Tom Clancy meets Flannery
O'Conner, with the techno-gee-whiz from Mike & Tom and the philosophical
angles from Flan (updated to take account of the Human Genome Project and
universal electronic surveillance.)

I look forward to your comments, which may I suppose include flames for the
spamosity of this message. On the other hand, it is on topic.
I go, and will spam no more henceforward. Shall I be allowed to stay on the

yr frn,


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