Re: Alice Rosenbloom (was Re: religion bashing?)

Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 11:09:53 MDT

In a message dated 10/22/1999 9:27:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 You think she changed her name because she was ashamed of her Jewish
 heritage? That's a very odd theory. Her first name was originally Alice. Why
 did she change that too?

Yes, she was "passing" as ... just like many people hid their heritage in
those days.

Read her books, remember this was the forties and fifties ... do they ever
once mention a Jewish neighborhood, segregation, racism against Jews? Any
culture other than mainstream, Christian America? Nope. All whitebread
clean-cut types with no discernible cultural barriers.
Considering her self-congratulatory theory tat she was 'objective' -- it's a
huge oversight, and of those (mostly when it came to her personal life) of
course, she had many.

 I have often wondered why she was so blind to her own pathologies, while
preaching so self righteously that everyone else was so unaware.

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