Re: Confession of wrongness was (Re: Radioactive decay ...)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 07:39:20 MDT

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Jeff Davis wrote:

> Yes, I admit it. I was wrong. I hearby confess to my wrongness. You were
> right. And I was wrong. In wrongness, I was the responsible party.
> Oh, the ignominy!

Well Jeff, to recover our good graces, how would you like to lead
a discussion at Extro5 on alternative extropic ways to demonstrate
one is aware of ones wrongfullness and can see through the
noise and emotion so we can just get on to the next thing?

I think there is a lot of mental "charge" wrapped up in being right
and wrong. This probably arises because in some situations there
are important consequences for survival (No, No, you stupid idiot
you never approach the Saber-tooth Tiger from the upwind side...).
However in most of our day-to-day lives, being right (or wrong)
has less serious consequences (particularly in the realms of pure

The emotion involved in some of the discussions on this list would
seem to indicate that some people view being wrong as the rough
equivalent to being sentenced to death by stake-impalement. The
reality is that most of us are likely to die by *much* less painful
causes (if at all). So we could in general "lighten up" about
things. It might be much better if we explored the realms of
our inquiries with the perspective of Zen masters rather than
that of primitive mercenaries.


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