Re: The "Package Deal" Fallacy (was Religion Bashing)

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 00:44:58 MDT

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

> I think much of both religion-bashing and the defensive reaction
> to religion-bashing are manifestations of what Rand called the...

This is an emotional hot button with people. I see religion for
many as an addiction, and when you threaten one's addiction,
beware of the consequences. I try to instill reason memes in
other people's thought space, without threatening their religion
memes. This is difficult, but often possible.

Speaking of Rand, I saw a new video called the Passion of
Ayn Rand. Anyone seen it? I passed it up to get October
Sky, which instantly rocketed into my top 10 list of favorite
movies ever. spike

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