Re: religion bashing?

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 14:49:56 MDT

>Real opposition to theocracy has to come from the tiny minority of truly
>secular humanists.

I would never make statements like this. By saying only a certain group, or
idea is the only answer, is incorrect. There are other ideas other than
secular humanism that would classify as "real" opposition to theocracy.

>Look what happened to George Bush, Sr. in 1992: He was bullied into
>expressing views with which he didn't personally agree because the
>moderates were silenced by fear of their "holier" brethren.

You will have to be more specific to what he supposedly expressed for which
he didn't agree. Here is a quote from George Bush 4 years prior to the date
you're talking about.

Statement by George Bush, August 27, 1988:"...I don't know that atheists
should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots.
This is one nation under God."

So what view was he bullied into expressing?

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