Re: Humor and Intelligence

From: phil osborn (
Date: Wed Oct 20 1999 - 23:15:37 MDT

>From: Sasha Chislenko <>
>Subject: Re: Humor and Intelligence
>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 02:49:08 -0500
>At 09:31 PM 99/10/13 , Zeb Haradon wrote:
> >Actually, I think that intelligence of a certain type is a factor in
>choice of a mate, in kind of a roundabout way: through sense of humor.
>Having a sense of humor and being to entertain does attract sexual
>partners. And having a sense of humor, I think, depends on being able to
>make very clever connections between unrelated things. This hypothesis
>needs to be tested. I think there is a correlation between intelligence and
>sense of humor, but I don't know how strong it is.
>I have a little piece on humor and intelligence at
>It suggests that humor is a reaction to semantic exceptions.
>Sasha Chislenko <>
Suggest that you check out Koestler's "The Act of Creation." He gives a
comprehensive and believable account of exactly how and why humor works,
both from the cognitive and biological perspective.

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