Re: Humor and Intelligence

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 21:07:16 MDT

J. R. Molloy wrote:
> Are you sure? I thought Kevorkian used needles, not gas.

It was actually one Esther Cohan, Aug 21, 1995, and yes, he used CO for a
lot of suicides. Here's a piece from my script that I performed- (be
warned, it ain't some of my best material)


Kevorkian 960617 960620

I'm gonna get real sick here-- bear with me.

I hear that Jack Kevorkian "attended" the suicide, by carbon
monoxide, of a woman named Cohen, from Skokie, Illinois.

Oh my god, fifty years after WW2 and they're still gassing Jews!

The Ku Klux Klan will probably give him an honorary membership
for that stunt.

Redundant though-- there's already three K's in JacK KevorKian.

At least a white hood would improve the ugly old fart's looks!

But with his hobby it oughta be a BLACK hood.

If I was as ugly as Kevorkian, *I'd* be suicidal.

Or I'd wanta kill people.

The newspapers always say he "attended" a suicide. Is this like
"attending" a concert?

Ya know the old antiwar slogan- "What if they held a war and nobody

Well, what if they held a suicide, and nobody went?

He stopped doing it in motel rooms 'cause he always stayed past
checkout time...


Yeesh. I can't believe I actually did that in front of an audience.

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, Hack comic

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