Re: Reducing your sex drive.

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 08:31:02 MDT

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 wrote:

> You don't believe there are any males who are asexual and remain that way?

It depends on whether they have made a concrete decision to be asexual.
The human mind is very flexible and you can choose to focus your attention
on some things to the exclusion of others. I once stayed up something
like 60 hours programming. Since sleep is probably a more powerful
need/drive than sex if you can postpone/deny sleep you can probably
do the same for sex for a much longer period, quite probably indefinitely.

> I know of a male 45 who has had sexual responses to females but no actual
> desire for sexual contact with female's private parts that excrete fluid, in
> fact, the idea repulses him. Are testosterone and androgen the only
> hormones to be tested?

The comment that it "repulses" him suggests an aversion. In contrast
to natural fears that I would say are mostly (genetically) hardwired
at some low level (things like the color of blood, smells of decay,
being repulsed by snakes or bugs, etc.), most aversions I would say are
acquired, probably at a very young age. He may not consciously remember
where or how he acquired his feelings but I'd put my money on the
probability that they are generated by a traumatic experience of
some kind. [This can be things as simple as having a bird do
its business on you that leading to the kids at school making fun of you
causing you to be repulsed by things that come out of the bodies
of other animals (as a crude example).]

You would probably want to look at most hormones since they tend
to act in offseting and/or supporting roles. For example, I suppose
if you have a low T3 level leading to a diminished metabolic function
that sex (or any physical activity) would seem pretty unappealing.
You can't simply look at just the hormone levels either. Mutations in
receptors can do the same thing as under/over-production of the
hormones. Since we don't have a complete picture of all of the
hormones & receptors, if there is a defect in one of the undiscovered
systems it would be impossible to find. But you would want to
get a good endocrinologist to start with the obvious possibilities
and work forward from there.


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