Re: Reforming Education

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 21:25:17 MDT

Robert Owen wrote:

>Without getting lost in subjectivism, is it possible for you
>to summarize your philosophical position within the format
>constraints of electronic mail?

There is no way I can summarize my view by email because I find it necessary
to show applications as well. Just explaining one-on-one takes hours.

But basicly it all comes down to, Every animal strives for pleasure and to
avoid pain. I see this in every type of animal behavior I observe. I take
this furthure and say it is because they are selfish. Every animal community
works together for the benefit of everyones selfish desire, more or less.
Those who are better at controlling the group sometimes persecute those that
threaten (in their mind) that individual's pleasure feeling. My philosophy
is to not allow that to happen because what if some else became stronger
than me, and thus persecuted me? My hope is, by showing others that if
noone persecuted anyone then we could all acheive are pleasure. And if we
work together for each others safety we can each have the most pleasure with
the least amount of pain. This is were I usualy bring up why we should have
city state governments, some governments for whos ideals are different.
Overall no government should control people but people should control the

I hope that answers your question.

-Clint O'Dell

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