RE: metaTHAAD was: Son of Star Wars

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 18:55:06 MDT

Emlyn, betrayed, wrote:

>What about all that destroying the world 30 times over stuff? Nuclear
>winter? Do you mean to say that television has been lying to me?
>Please be gentle in replies, I'm feeling kind of vulnerable right now.

One hears, from time to time, the annoying sentiments that if there were
a nuclear war, the speaker would prefer to be at ground zero. That the
living would envy the dead.

(The latter statement is especially inane, since the living always
have the option of joining the dead.)

As far as I can tell, from my days researching such things, life after
massive US/Russian attacks would not be fun. It would be relatively
short and hard. And in many ways no different than how a large
percentage of humanity lives now. And how all our ancestors lived
until very recently.

Last I heard, the evidence was against nuclear winter. The original
studies which were trumpeted by both activists and the press used too
simple a model. When LLNL's atmospheric studies group used a more
sophisticated model, they found a fraction of the consequences that
Sagan et al had reported.

Don't anyone tell Emlyn about the Easter Bunny.

-- David Lubkin.

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