Re: safety review of Atkin's diet

Date: Sat Oct 16 1999 - 12:40:10 MDT

Doug Skrecky, <>, quotes a German journal regarding the
Atkins diet:

  The "Atkins dietary revolution" is a ketogenic diet consisting almost
  exclusively of food from animal origin.

Most of the information I have found online is very skeptical about high
protein diets like Atkins', and also Sears' "The Zone" diet. The ketosis
state can be dangerous if not medically supervised, and although it does
cause a loss of appetite it has bad side effects as well.

  A similar diet was introduced
  as the "Banting diet" more than a century ago by the English physician
  Harvey. This carbohydrate-free diet is high in fat, cholesterol and
  purines. The measurable ketosis is a precondition for the effect of this
  kind of diet. However, the predictable hyperlipacidemia and ketosis
  are recognized health risks. Additionally, hypercholesterolemia is to
  be expected in a greater part of the adherents to such a diet.

Hypercholesterolemia is high blood cholesterol, an understandable side
effect of a diet high in meat proteins.

  children under ketogenic diet develop hypercholesterolemia within a
  short time. A similar high-fat diet, known as the Sippy diet for ulcer
  therapy, was found earlier to cause an increased incidence in coronary
  heart disease. On the basis of the known facts the Atkins diet seems
  to be potentially hazardous to health, unless a controlled study is
  performed. However, considering the risks it seems very problematic
  to perform such a study.

Some links expressing concerns about high protein diets:


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