Re: metaTHAAD was: Son of Star Wars

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Oct 14 1999 - 23:02:03 MDT

O'Regan, Emlyn wrote:

> Spike, I think that the cycle would actually continue ad-infinitum without
> anyone being able to stop. But you could get extremely wealthy discovering
> this logical flaw.

Emlyn, I could not go to work each morning with a good conscience if
I believed this. First of all, my job will never make me rich: that is
for the local software developers. In fact, it is difficult to survive in
Clara county on the wages of an ordinary rocket scientist. My neighbor
the software developer came home last month in a $90K humvee. {8-[

I do believe that a nation needs a strong and competent defence
system, if it has anything worth taking, otherwise it presents too
much tempation to its neighboring dictator to smash it and
enslave its people. History is full of examples. A little old lady
with a thousand in her purse is a much more inviting target than
a brinks truck with ten times that amount.

In my corest of core values, I am a fanatic pacifist. War is horrifying,
so unimaginably more expensive than the fireworks expended. I could
not go to my job, if deep inside I did not believe that mankind will
eventually put an end to it.

The cheerful side is this: for the very first time in human history
we are standing on the threshold of a dream. Alfred Nobel had
it, Feynman and the bomb developers had it, and now, it really is
getting so expensive to wage war, the worlds dictators may opt to
not do it. For the petty dictators, the cost must be in actual wealth,
not mere human lives that they place so little value upon, but in their
own bank accounts. We have shown that we can take a war
directly to a dictator's summer cottage in the country, and leave the
rest of the population and infrastructure unharmed.

It really isnt about getting rich, or at least not for me. There are
much better ways to get rich. If I am part of the technological
push to put a final end to war, I will feel like my life has counted
for something. I will go into the dewar with a sense of fulfillment.

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