laughter and brain shocks

From: Rob Harris (
Date: Thu Oct 14 1999 - 10:15:08 MDT

>> So....what was Dr. George asking when he said "Are you being forced to
>> laugh..."?

>He was likely trying to see if the laughter was just due to the
>laughter reflex or due to positive stimulation of the limbic
>system. A big deal of difference.

I see what you're saying, but if this is so, then which answer would point
to which conclusion, and why? What is or is not being FORCED to laugh?
Choosing to laugh? You mention either a reflex or positive stimulation of
the (entire?) limbic which one would produce a conscious choice
to laugh or not in the subject? Neither, that's which.....and this is the
source of the suspicion I give below.

>> There is no "force", this
>> is the way the mind works. I think the problem may rest with the common
>> misconception of "free will" meaning that a human spirit (or whatever) is
>> completely responsible for the self-definition of it's motivations,
>> impulses, or "will".

>Sure. But I think you make a mistake by attributing this view to
>Dr. Mark George, of whose views we actually know nothing.

Of course, my speculation was just that - a speculation..."I think the
problem MAY rest...."
You've got to admit, the view I described is very, very common, even in
scientists whose field of specialism comes very close to the critical points

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