RE: Are there smartdrugs?

From: Joseph 1 (
Date: Thu Oct 14 1999 - 08:23:57 MDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cynthia
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 4:31 PM
> I agree. The whole idea of anti population has a very negative anti life
> aspect to it.
> Frankly, I think that some women are too stupid to make good mothers.
> women make very poor relationship choices, they have difficulty taking
care of
> themselves, and they neglect their children.

And now we're back to eugenics. :-)

I don't think it's anti-life to say that people with higher intelligence
should be encouraged to breed and those with lower intelligence should be
discouraged to do so. Would you consider that to have a "negative anti life
aspect"? By stepping outside of natural selection, and guiding our species
towards consciously-selected goals (say, higher intelligence), I think it's

Joseph 1 (
Core Sphere Member - NeoSapiens Combine

"NeoSapiens Awaken!"

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