Re: Reducing your sex drive.

From: Cynthia (
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 13:58:06 MDT

Zeb Haradon wrote:

> >Aren't you afraid that if you suppress your sex drive, instead of
> channeling
> >it into something creative, that you will become a dull and uncreative
> >person?
> >
> Wanting to reduce your sex drive is not a healthy desire in my opinion. I
> think that even an unsatisfied sex drive is better then none at all.
> Emotions, especially of the sexual type, drive you to do strange things
> sometimes, and get in the way of things you'd rather be doing. I used to
> wish I wasn't as horny as I am, didn't feel things as deeply as I did, and
> didn't think as much as I did.. but I realized these impulses (impulses to
> repress drives) are of the same sort as the suicidal impulse. It's a lot
> easier not to think about sex, in the same way that it's a lot easier to be
> dead then alive.

Yes. Competition is another healthy impulse. And inner conflict should be
resolved instead of repressed.

Why does society try so hard to get people to repress their best instincts?

> I think you're cheating yourself if you try to kill or
> lessen your sex drive, and you'll be a happier person in the long run if you
> don't. The only people who should consider this reduction are people with
> desires that are as dangerous as they are intense (pedophiles, people with
> rape fantasies), and need to do so to prevent themselves from causing harm.

And even so, learning to have normal relationships is a great deal better than a
total shut down.

> Everyone else should quit the prozac and start taking aphrodisiacs.

Yes. Lets go to Comdex and dope all the food with Testosterone!!!

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