Re: Barking mad rules, ok

From: Darin Sunley (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 23:56:45 MDT

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:

> I know, I just had a rather lengthy discussion with an evangelist
> preacher freind of mine today on scientific dating methods, logical
> inference, etc., as he is a big creationist, and does a program on the
> local public access channel. He was talking about some creationist
> 'scientist' named Gish that he purports is rather good at arguing the
> creationist case. Anyone heard of him?
> Mike Lorrey

Gish is pretty much a kook. However, he's a very popular kook. He talks in
snappy little sound bites, and is a past master at manipulating
creationist media. If a listener has no knowledge of science or formal
logic (sadly, the normal condition in North America), it is very easy to
be taken in by him.

Especially if his half-arguments and snappy little sound bites re-confirm
"truths" you've known your whole life.

See for a vast library of information, including several
debates involving Gish, and an extensive, point by point rebuttal to
Gish's seminal work "Evidence that Demands a Verdict", titled "The Jury is
In". Well worth reading.

Darin Sunley

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